Blatemlac Satin Fire Retardant Lacquer Enamel


Enamel lacquer with satin polyurethane of extraordinary
quality for interiors and exteriors, formulated with the
most advanced technology to achieve maximum performance.
fire retardant

Good hardness, covering power and performance, it is easy
to apply. It has a satin finish with a luxurious lacquer look, is washable and highly
resistant to friction, scratches, cleaning products, liquor stains, etc.
Complies with COV 2010.

For painting all kinds of wooden, metal, etc. surfaces, such as furniture, doors, windows, shelves, grilles, kitchen and bathroom walls, etc., both indoors
and outdoors.

Technical characteristics
· Finish: White-satin, colors.
· Leveling: Excellent.
· Adhesion: Excellent.
· Broaching: Excellent.
· Repainting: 24 hours.
· Viscosity: 130 ± 50” F-4 (Ford Cup no. 4) at 25 ± 8oC (ASTM D-1200). Density: 1.45 ±
0.10 g/cc (UNE-EN-ISO 2811-1 and 2).
Fineness: 7.5 ± 1 HG (Graus Hegman) UNE-EN-ISO 1524).
· Yield: 750 ml/9-13 m2 per layer.
· Drying: 4 ± 1 hour at 25 ± 8oC.
· Hardness: Good.
· Maximum VOC content: 298 g/L.
· Utensils: Cleaning with Solvent for Enamels, Cleaning Solvent or Universal Solvent.
· Stability in packaging: More than a year in original sealed packaging.

Approvals and Tests
Reaction to fire, standard UNE-EN 13501-1:07+A1:2010, European classes: C, S2, d0.

Preparation of
New Surfaces: If they are plaster or wood, apply a previous coat of Synthetic Sealer and polish
gently. If the surface is iron, first apply a coat of Blatprimer Antioxidant Flame Retardant.
· Painted: If the paint is in bad condition, remove it, plaster the defects and proceed as in the case of new surfaces; If the paint is in good condition, wash, peel the
surface and apply Blatemlac.

Use Applies
to brush, roller or gun. Product ready to use. Do not apply on surfaces reheated by the sun’s rays. Good preliminary polishing facilitates the good finish of the enamel.
Always apply in thin layers, stretching as much as possible, to avoid prolonging drying time, wrinkles, dirt, etc.
Apply the second coat respecting the repainting times (24 hours).
In this satin product, the initial gloss appears high, but diminishes over time.

After use, close the container trying to leave little air space if it must take time
to use again.
Stir the contents of the container until the product is homogeneous.

In containers of 125 ml, 250 ml, 750 ml and 4 liters.
Colors: Snow white and black.

Maximum recommended storage time: 12 months in its original container well
closed and sheltered from the weather (covered and temperature between 5 and 35ºC).
Security Information

Follow the instructions on the package label. For more information
consult the product safety sheet.


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